Optimal Performance on Competition Day: The Art of Strategic Fuelling

Optimal Performance on Competition Day: The Art of Strategic Fuelling

Fueling for competitions requires meticulous planning and strategic choices to ensure peak performance. Explore a comprehensive guide to nutrition 24 hours before and on the competition day, covering carb-loading, pre-competition meals, and hydration strategies to help you achieve your best results.

24 Hours Pre-Competition Day

  1. Plan and Practice:
    • Plan and practice your competition day nutrition and fluid intake during training sessions.
  2. Carb-Loading:
    • If competing intensely for over 1.5 hours with limited eating opportunities during the competition, consider carb-loading.
    • Aim for 6-10 g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight in the 24 hours before competitions.
  3. Carb Sources:
    • Spread carb intake across 5-6 meals and snacks.
    • Opt for low-fiber carbohydrate options like Rice Krispies, Cornflakes, white bread, rice, pasta, and fruit juices.

Competition Day

  1. Top Up Carbohydrate Stores:
    • Consume a balanced meal (refer to the Performance Meal Wheel) 2-4 hours before the competition.
    • Increase fuel foods before high-intensity or long competitions (e.g., to half a plate).
  2. Avoid New Elements:
    • Never try new foods or supplements on competition day.
    • Steer clear of spicy or high-fat foods that may upset the stomach.
  3. Stay Hydrated:
    • Sip fluids regularly throughout the day.
    • Opt for liquid sources of carbohydrates like sports drinks or smoothies if meeting requirements is challenging.
  4. Pre-Competition Meal (1-2 hours before):
    • Choose easy-to-digest energy-dense options or liquid meals if nervous or unable to eat.
    • Examples include Rice Krispies/cornflakes with milk, scrambled eggs on toast, or a fruit and yogurt smoothie.

Conclusion: Unleash Your Peak Performance

Master the art of strategic fueling to optimize your performance on competition day. Whether fine-tuning your pre-competition nutrition or staying hydrated during the event, this guide empowers you to make informed choices for achieving peak results.

For more insights into optimal performance and competition day strategies, visit SportNutarian. Elevate your competitive edge through strategic fueling.

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Nosheen B.
Nosheen B.
I have been struggling with weightloss, diet and a good life style for over three years which has made me frustrated. I spoke to Arian and he has understood my challenges and tailored a plan according to my needs. I am currently on a detox plan and working towards my goal through Arians professional advice. I am eager to see results and will update on this platform.Overall, I highly recommend Arian and he is the person who can change lives. Thankyou for all your support.
Jyoti C.
Jyoti C.
Arian was very informative. He helped me with nutrition advise which was tailored to my need.He was very friendly and approachable.
Hawa's D.
Hawa's D.
Having a consultation with Sportnutarian has helped me to lose weight and change my lifestyle. He did not put me on fade diets, but taught me how to change my habits and make healthier choices.Highly recommend Sportnutarian
Marvarid K
Marvarid K
Highly experienced professional who provided me with a complete breakdown with my health and nutrition.From the booking process till my appointment was extremely smooth.Arian was able to advice me on my nutrition and the importance of health and development in regards to muscle support and boosting my immunity.He was able to provide an informed and thorough report on my specific nutrition based on my maternal health, pregnancy and a stronger immune system.Great to be able to find someone who genuinely cares and provides a high level of skill and support.Looking forward to my next session!
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Joshua B.
Joshua B.
Clear concise gives great advice and truly cares about what he can do to help you would recommend to anyone
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